Thursday, March 29, 2012

I hate

There is one thing I hate among the common misfortunes, when I say hate I mean it, if the event where a person I would surely take great pleasure in squeezing that persons throat, and gain even more pleasure from the death of the fiend.

Sadly it’s not a person it’s a common event that most people on the planet experience each day of their life.
Its waiting, oooh I hate it so, especially when I could have avoided it earlier. Today I could have a great long sleep, but no I went to school, and on arrival I quickly realized the horrible truth

-         -  How could I forget, no teacher in biology today, DAMN, FUCK, GINGER BALLS.

So here I am waiting for my next class all alone, the rest of my companions have a much better memory, they are surely home resting relaxing.

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